Blüten in leuchtendem Purpurviolett, das zu Graublau verblasst und einer blauen Rose am nächsten kommt. Kategorie: Rose , wurzelnackt. Containerrose zurückgeschnitten L. A truly stunning garden rose with colours of unusual purple and as close to a blue rose as you . Highly unusual, strong, purple coloured blooms fade to a slate blue. Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers.
In such case prune hard all stems to 3-live buds in early . It has large clusters of heavily-scente semi-double, . Pruning: Prune Floribunda roses in early March, removing any dea weak, diseased or crossing stems. Aim to keep the centre open. Cut back the strongest. Shrub rose with purple-blue flowers.
Best quality shrubs in Ireland. UK grown and guaranteed for months. Topf - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. Common name: Floribunda rose. Non- evergreen shrub rose with green leaves and scented blue flowers in Summer.
Find rhapsody in blue rose stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Each of its large, semi-double flowers is a completely. Clusters of semi-double plum purple flowers fading to slate blue. Mid green matt foliage.
View the rest of our range today at Eastcroft Roses. Opening plum purple, the semi double blooms age to slate blue. Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc.

This product has no reviews yet, be the first to write a review. Our nursery container size: litre. Potted or bare rooted. Good for cottage garden.
Capturing the rose worlds attention on its release, this rose features irridescent blue colours that fade to slate blue as it ages. Semi double blooms of a dark iridescent purple fading to a pleasing slate blue are produced repeatedly all season. There was more to this rose search than just the look. Rhapsody in Blue has clusters of purple flowers which fade to lilac with age.
RHAPSODY IN BLUE (floribunda). A fairly new variety that has immediately become a. Origin of the color of Cv. Rhapsody In Blue Rose – Browse our wide selection of all Mattocks roses plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
This shrub rose provides colour and scent non-stop from June to September with its tight clusters. Blue -purple blooms fading to a purple slate-grey as they mature. Officially classed as a Floribunda, but .
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