Outstanding Qualities. This is one of the best blue hostas you can plant. Its compact habit and symmetrical mound of foliage give a clean and neat appearance in . These hosta are grown for years without digging . Its leaves are very substantial.
The flowers are far more ornamental. Forms a perfect mound of thick blue foliage that . Hosta Halcyon - Plantain Lilies. An erect plant to tall featuring a mound of flat, spear-shape heavily-texture . Sie blüht im Sommer mit violetten Blütentrauben.
Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen. Plants form a sturdy mound of foliage, topped . Its texture blue-green leaves are thick enough .
One of the most reliable blue hostas available, this is a favorite for adding color and texture to the shady garden. Eine robuste und bekannte Sorte, wenig. Dies kommt vor allem durch die dekorativen Blätter. Diese Pflanze eignet sich besonders gut, um sie in.
Testen Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. Prime-Mitglieder genießen Zugang zu schnellem und kostenlosem Versan tausenden Filmen und . Heart-shaped leaves are. Pale blue-violet flowers appear on scapes in midsummer. Attracts both hummingbirds and songbirds.
A standout in the category of blue-green hostas , Halcyon features heavily textures leaves that grow so densely they crowd out most . A handsome choice for the shade . Schon länger verbreitet, ich finde jedoch, sie sollte in keinem Sortiment fehlen. Herbaceous Perennial. There are a ton of hosta varieties to choose from such that it can be a bit overwhelming, right? Mid-sized blue hosta with a long season of appeal.
Leaves are frosty blue-green and pointed.
Foliage has heavy substance and is slug resistant. They grow virtually anywhere, look . Pale violet blue flowers rise above the compact mound of attractive . I have them growing both in pots and in the. North-facing, East-facing. Flowering season, Summer. Exposure, Full shade.
Garden care: Water your hosta well as soon as you plant it (avoiding the foliage if possible), and then water . Rabatt bis zu auf alle Blumenzwiebeln! Heute bestellt wird morgen geliefert. It is an award winning, favorite large, blue variety.
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