Zulassungsanfang: 05. Anwendungsbereich Kartoffeln, Tabak, Hopfen , . Controls downy mildew and certain foliar diseases. Metalaxyl-M und Mancozeb.
Formulierungsbeschreibung: Wasserdispergierbares Granulat mit.
Bewilligung beendet: Ausverkaufsfrist: . Ridomil Gold MZRegistered until: 30. Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani (Sudan) Abbas . A systemic and contact fungicide for the control of late blight, black shank and downy mildew. It has excellent disease control under difficult conditions such as . Fongicide vigne à base de métalaxyl-M (Méfénoxam) contre le mildiou et le black rot pour l. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ WG. Buy Inputs the easy way with FBN Direct and enjoy transparent pricing and an unbiased product list .
Mefenoxam is systemic and is quickly taken over by the green parts of the plant, distributed . Vandenyje disperguojančios granulės. A systemic fungicide for the control or suppression of certain diseases caused by the Oomycete class of fungi in Apples (non-bearing),. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. Get best price and read about . Product Type: Fungicides. Authorisation Holder.
Used for control- Downy Mildew, . Componenta de contact formează o barieră protectoare pe suprafața frunzei. By combining the two . Can be applied to foliage, . Deluje sistemično in dotikalno. Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 23. Diese Version ersetzt alle . Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel!
Conoce más acerca de este fungicida de la mano de Syngenta! Active Ingredient : Mefenoxam 45.
Shipping Weight : 9. Zróżnicowany zbiór ofert, najlepsze ceny i promocje. Wejdź i znajdź to, czego szukasz! Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC.
Le Méfenoxam, matière active systémique, contrôlant très bien le Mildiou, est . RESOLUCIÓN DE LA DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE SANIDAD DE LA. Recommended Use: Fungicide. Company Details: Syngenta Crop Protection Limited.
Preparatīvā forma: disperģējošas granulas. Ražotājs: Syngenta Iepakojums: 5 .
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